2024 St. Patrick's Season Dancer Registration
For Duffy dancers ONLY. Please select the shows you/your students will be attending. Let's have some great steppin fun!!

Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About The Event
Please select the "block" of shows the dancer will be attending.
1-3 shows in a block. Sign up for a block = committing to ALL shows in the block! Dancers depend on their partners. Please only register for shows dancers can commit to attending. Thank so much!
Let's have some great steppin fun!!
VIP Maximum Duffer!!!
Down for EVERYTHING! I know all the details. Shows, volunteering...all good! Let's go!!
$0.00March 1st-16th Float Volunteer
Float Build Volunteers Needed Adults & Older Students (can safely use power tools & do work on float) Build Site: 8 River Dr. Hadley, MA *Farthest back building *Thank you Regish family! *Bring power tools *Request access to the WhatsApp FUs group for further details *Give an ETA in WhatsApp if known? *Additional Pre-Build Dates TBD Thank you for your help!!
$0.00March 9th Academy of Music
Ar: 2PM/Pr: 4PM Academy of Music 274 Main St., Northampton *Dancers wishing to perform at the Academy of Music MUST attend the AOM rehearsal 3/6 4-7PM at the East Street Studio location*
$0.00March 10th Block A
**DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BEGINS!** Ar: 9:30AM/Pr: 10:30AM Rockridge Community 25 Coles Meadow Rd, Northampton
$0.00March 10th Block B
**DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BEGINS!** -Ar: 1PM/Pr: 1:30PM Armbrook Village 551 N Rd, Westfield & -Ar: 3PM/Pr: 3:30PM Providence Place @Ingleside 5 Gamelin, Holyoke
$0.00March 11th Block A
Ar: 11:30AM/Pr: 12PM Amherst Survival Center 138 Sunderland Rd, Amherst *Show might be performed in lace-up sneakers
$0.00March 13th Greenfield Cultural
Ar: 4:30PM/Pr: 5PM Greenfield Cultural Day Show Greenfield High School 21 Barr Ave, Greenfield *Small duration show/May only perform 1 number *NO REGULAR CLASSES*
$0.00March 15th BLOCK A
-Ar: 8:30AM/Pr:9AM TBD (under 20 min drive to Crocker) & -Ar: 9:50AM/Pr: 10AM Crocker Farm 280 West St, Amherst
$0.00March 15th LUNCH @ Mission??
LUNCH @ Mission Cantina?? Ar: 11AM Mission Cantina 485 West St, Amherst Pending: pre-ordered & ready lunch @ Mission cantina!! Stay tuned!! This is to tally how many people are interested if they are able to accommodate us. *Most likely a pre-ordered quesadilla or 2 taco plate sitch* *Must remove or protect costume while eating regardless of what/where*
$0.00March 15th BLOCK B
-Ar: 12PM/Pr: 12:30PM Pelham Elementary 45 Amherst Rd, Pelham & -Ar: 1:20PM/ Pr: 1:30PM Fort River 70 S East St, Amherst
$0.00March 15th BLOCK C
Ar: 2:30PM/Pr: 3PM Hampshire Mall 367 Russell St, Hadley
$0.00March 15th BLOCK D
-Ar: 5PM/Pr: 5:30/5:45PM (flexible start for musician breakdown etc) Tree House Brewery 1 Community Pl, S Deerfield Stay for the “AFTERS”!!
$0.00March 16th BBQ/Leprechaun Par
Ar: 11:30AM/Eat: 12PM Float Build Potluck BBQ/Leprechaun Parade 8 River Dr, Hadley *Bring something to grill/share* *Folding tables and chairs suggested* *Make yer own float with leprechaun trick or treat to pull in mini-parade* *Stay to help with build?
$0.00March 17th Float Prep
Ar: 6-7AM FLOAT BUILD Holyoke Community Charter School Parking Lot 2200 Northampton St, Holyoke Float Judging Prep Volunteers Needed Adults & Older Students (can safely use power tools & do work on float) Easy work. Float awards are at 8AM! Thank you for your help!!
$0.00March 17th Holyoke Parade!
-Ar: 9AM/Roads close @ 9:30AM/Parade Start 12PM Holyoke Parade Dancers & Families Holyoke Community Charter School Parking Lot 2200 Northampton St, Holyoke *Duffy Irish Breakfast on site!! *Bring something warm to share. Crockpots/carafe drinks/etc is great! *Grills can be available upon request *Dress in layers w/ Duffy logo showing *See Parade Itinerary for full details* *ALL DANCERS/FAMILIES ATTENDING ARE REQUIRED TO HELP CLEAN/BREAKDOWN FLOAT AT PARADE END*
$0.00March 18th Float Breakdown
Float Breakdown Volunteers Needed Adults & Older Students (can safely use power tools & do work on float) Thank you for your help!!
$0.00March 23rd Block A
-Ar: 9:30AM/Pr: 10:30AM Christopher Heights 50 Village Hill Rd, Northampton
$0.00March 23rd Block B
-Ar: 1PM/Pr: 1:30PM Linda Manor Assisted Living 349 Haydenville Rd, Northampton *Closest Building & -Ar: 3PM/Pr: 3:30PM Linda Manor Extended Care 349 Haydenville Rd, Northampton *Furthest Building
$0.00March 24th Block A
-Ar: 9:30AM/Pr: 10:30AM Soldier’s Home 110 Cherry St, Holyoke
$0.00March 24th Block B
-Ar: 1PM/Pr: 1:30PM Day Brook Village 298 Jarvis Ave, Holyoke & -Ar: 3PM/Pr: 3:30PM Pending ???, Holyoke